Functional scheme

From the point of view of the collection of information, the different systems are distinguished from the ICOE solution :

  • The automats (PLC) work with their own cycle and can offer :
      • a collection of data (with sometimes a possible filing on this cycle).
      • a rapid acquisition on some signals ( 4 , 8 ...) with a maximum cycle of the regulation card (and often to the prejudice of the latter).
  • the system of supervision also works at his own cycle (typically 1 sec) and offer certains functions of filing trending). Its principle objective remains to be the man-machine interface.
  • the system of industrial data processing which file this information (often in relational database) in a form related to the product treated (a reel, 'un lot', un batch, ...). Most of the time, we leave the temporal fields to the concept of product or of unit of matter.

ICOE carries out rapid acquisition (about the millisecond) of a multitude of signals. It files this information according to the needs and restores it in a way most suitable to each user.